Skin Boosting Recipe: Collagen Berry Smoothie Bowl



Collagen Berry Smoothie Bowl



We recently went over how great collagen is for our skin and beauty.  Collagen, known for its role in promoting skin elasticity and joint health, is a protein we all could use more of in our diets. Try out the smoothie bowl recipe below that is filled with collagen and berries. 


Supercharged Smoothie Bowl

  • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup Greek yogurt
      • 1 scoop collagen powder
      • 1 cup mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
      • 1 tablespoon honey
      • 1/4 cup granola
  • Instructions:
    • Blend Greek yogurt and collagen powder until smooth.
    • Pour the mixture into a bowl and top with mixed berries.
    • Drizzle honey over the berries and sprinkle granola on top.
    • Enjoy your collagen-packed, vibrant smoothie bowl.



This recipe is tasty and takes very little time to make when you have a busy day and want to eat healthy. This is a great breakfast or lunch recipe for models in between their work.


Author: Danielle N. Mott